Kirklees Green Party relies on teams of committed volunteers and activists who work all year round for our local area – not just during election time.
There is always work to do behind the scenes. This can involve delivering leaflets, knocking on doors (canvassing), phoning members and stuffing envelopes.
Some of our activities involve campaigning – about road schemes, response to climate emergency, food poverty or international issues.
Our focus has to be on local and general elections. In May 2026 there will be council elections when all Kirklees councillors’ term of office will end and new wards boundaries kick in.
Members also contribute to developing policies or take on social media work or data analysis. Finally, there are some social events or community clean-up activities that active members can get involved in.
Finally, we sometimes need help to hold and run fund-raising events although signing a direct debt to help us each month is much the best way to fund elections.
To volunteer, please fill in the form on the contact page and one of our team will get back to you. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us directly for a chat. Please get in touch if you require any more information or have any specific access needs. You don’t have to be a member of the Green Party to volunteer your time with us.
To contact parliamentary candidates and to engage with social media here are the details:
Colne Valley: Heather Peacock
Email: colne.valley@votegreen.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirkleesgreens/
Twitter: https://x.com/Greens4CV and https://x.com/Heather95238955
Dewsbury & Batley: Simon Cope
Email: dewsbury.batley@votegreen.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simon4dewsburybatley
Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonjcope
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simoncopes/
Huddersfield: Andrew Cooper [to follow]
Email: AndrewCooperGreenParty@gmail.com
Campaign Hotline: 07526 069562:
Ossett & Denby Dale: Neil Doig
See details on web: https://wakefieldgreenparty.org.uk/neil-doig/
Spen Valley: Martin Price
Email: spen.valley@votegreen.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirkleesgreens/
Twitter: https://x.com/kirkleesgreens