Welcome to Kirklees Green Party

Think global, act local!

The Green Party is growing fast. Despite our unfair elections system, we punch above our weight. We represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils across the country. Green candidates will be on the ballot paper in the General Election in all constituencies in Kirklees.

In Kirklees we now have four Green Party councillors. Andrew Cooper, Karen Allison and Sue Lee-Richards were joined in May 2024 by Alex Vickers who was elected for Crosland Moor & Netherton. In Greenhead ward, Maryam Jawaid came within 41 votes of beating the sitting Labour councillor. In 2026 we will be working hard to elect even more. We also have Green councillors playing a part in parish and town councils.

Together with our members and supporters, our councillors are working on a wide range of issues locally to improve the lives of all people across Kirklees, and to safeguard our local environment.

We depend on the contribution of people rather than corporate finance. With your support we can achieve so much more for the people and the environment of Kirklees.

Help us lead change

The Green Party is the only major political party in the UK that is committed fully to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet’s limits.

The Green Party has always dared to be different – and we’ve always known the power of good ideas.

Unlike others, we know that our planet has environmental limits, we understand that not everyone wants to live to work, that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society. And we have the bold solutions which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.

We are the only party dedicated to fighting for our environment and ensuring we live in a fair and just society

Candidates 2024

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